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Physiotherapy and pain therapy practice in Bochum - https://physiotherapie-sachs.de/krankengymnastik/ The path to holistic health – Michael Sachs' physiotherapy and pain therapy practice in Bochum, Germany: Amidst the bustling backdrop of Bochum's city center lies an oasis of health and healing - Michael Sachs' physiotherapy and pain therapy practice. With a unique approach that emphasizes the combination of traditional healing methods and modern therapeutic approaches, Michael Sachs has established himself as a pioneering physiotherapist. Focus on the individual: holistic therapy philosophy What sets Michael Sachs apart from other therapists is his holistic therapy philosophy. Here, the focus is not just on treating symptoms, but on taking a comprehensive view of the person as a whole. This approach is based on the conviction that physical complaints often have underlying causes, whether on an emotional or energetic level. Diverse expertise: from dance education to traditional Chinese medicine Michaels Sachs' impressive expertise spans various specialist areas. His roots lie in dance education, where he developed a feeling for movement and expression at an early age. His training as a physiotherapist laid the foundation for his medical expertise. A specialization in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Beijing opened up new dimensions of the art of healing for him. The magic of touch: massage and Thai massage The ability to heal through touch is one of his greatest strengths. Michael's experience as an employee in a renowned massage practice in Cologne and his training in Thai massage have honed his expertise in the field of manual therapy. In his practice in Bochum, the magic of touch becomes a source of relaxation and healing. The backbone of health: thorn training and temporomandibular joint treatment Michael Sachs expanded his repertoire with specific methods for treating spinal problems by training in thorn therapy at the Thalamus School in Cologne. Specialized temporomandibular joint treatment for craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) demonstrates his commitment to holistic health, in which attention is also paid to often neglected areas of the body. Sharing knowledge: Teaching activities and further training Michael Sachs has not only made an impact as a therapist, but also as a teacher and mentor. His teaching activities for the Stadtsportbund Köln and the Bildungswerk Krefeld demonstrate his desire to pass on his knowledge and inspire future health professionals. Thinking outside the box: training and studying pain therapy Michaels Sachs' pursuit of perfection is reflected in his numerous training courses and degree programs. From training as an alternative practitioner to studying medicine with a focus on pain therapy in Cologne, Düsseldorf and Asia, he has constantly deepened and expanded his knowledge. Successful practice management: from Cologne to Bochum The establishment of his own practices in Cologne and later in Bochum not only testifies to his entrepreneurial success, but also to the trust that patients place in his therapeutic abilities. The practice in Bochum is not only a place of healing, but also a center for holistic healthcare. Flexibility and commitment: freelance physiotherapist in Essen and Bochum Michael Sachs goes beyond the borders of Bochum and also offers his services as a freelance physiotherapist in Essen. This nationwide presence not only reflects his flexibility, but also shows the high demand for his qualified therapy services. The art of holistic health Michael Sachs' physiotherapy and pain therapy practice combines years of experience, extensive expertise and a passion for holistic health. Here, not only symptoms are treated, but the person as a whole is considered. Michael's unique approach, based on a wide range of training and a rich professional history, sets his practice apart as a place of healing and recovery. The magic of his touch, in-depth knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine, specialization in massage and Thai massage, and targeted methods for treating spinal problems make Michael's therapeutic approaches unique. Through his teaching activities and workshops, he not only contributes to the further development of the therapy industry, but also shapes the next generations of health professionals. Osteopathic techniques: The art of holistic treatment In Michael Sachs' practice, osteopathic techniques are also used to promote the body's natural self-regulation. The gentle manual techniques of osteopathy are used specifically to release movement restrictions and tension. The focus here is on viewing the body as a unit, which not only treats symptoms but also addresses the underlying causes. Atlas therapy: targeted treatment for the upper cervical vertebrae Atlas therapy is a specialized method that focuses on the uppermost cervical vertebra, the atlas. Michael Sachs uses this technique to correct possible misalignments in the upper cervical region. This targeted treatment can have a positive effect on the entire spine and the whole organism by restoring natural alignment and alleviating discomfort. Back school: prevention and strengthening The back school at Michael's practice aims to prevent back problems and strengthen back health. Through targeted exercises and training, patients are instructed to protect and actively strengthen their backs in everyday life. The back school therefore not only offers therapy, but also preventative measures to promote a healthy spine in the long term. Wellness: relaxation for body and mind Wellness is a top priority at Michael Sachs' practice, and various types of massage help to bring body and mind into harmony. The hot stone massage uses heated stones to release tension and facilitate deep relaxation. Lomi Lomi Nui, a Hawaiian massage, brings well-being and relaxation with flowing movements and pleasant pressure. Aroma massages use essential oils to stimulate the senses and relieve tension at the same time. Outpatient physiotherapy: treatment in a familiar environment For patients who are unable to visit the practice due to illness or limited mobility, Michael Sachs offers outpatient physiotherapy. Home and home visits enable individual treatment in the patient's familiar surroundings. This personal care not only promotes recovery, but also takes into account the specific needs and circumstances on site. Company massage: well-being in the workplace The company massage is an innovative service from Michael Sachs that promotes the well-being of employees in the workplace. Targeted massages relieve tension and reduce stress, which not only increases physical but also mental well-being. This workplace health promotion helps to improve the working atmosphere and increase employee performance. The success of his practice in Bochum is testament to the strong demand for his services and his remarkable ability to adapt to the needs of his patients. As a freelancer, alternative practitioner and certified pain therapist, Michael Sachs has created not just a practice, but a place where the art of holistic health is lived - a place where patients are not only healed, but also encouraged to take an active role in their health and lead a fulfilling life. »» [ Link Details ] |
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